Ufafanuzi wa Afrika Unaozingatia
Centered Manifesto)
Preamble: We, the ascendants of the great peoples of the African
Continent recognize and consciously acknowledge that we are free and
sentient-human beings. We also recognize that we are profoundly African through
our cultural heritage, melanin and our life experiences.
We overstand and are conscious of the unmitigated truth that our
African Ancestors created the first Sentient-Human, High Culture Civilizations
beginning (at the latest) in circa 12,900 B.C.
This fact is proven through the truth found in physical, mathematical,
astronomical, astrological and geographical data found in calculating the
positions of the stone edifices of Kemet, Nubia, Sumer and Itiop built by our
African Ancestors in relationship to the planets, stars and the unchanged and
unchanging patterns and precise movement of all known bodies throughout the
Utangulizi (Introduction):
The indigenous peoples of Africa and those
whom dwell “inter-diaspora” know that we’re created through the words and
actions of what the human family identifies as one of the following entities; the
ancient Neteru, God, Gods, Goddess, Goddesses, et. al...as sentient, free
thinking and spiritual beings do hereby declare that we are a free people in
mind, spirit and body. We acknowledge that we owe no debt, homage or loyalty to
any party, people or religion made paramount through the breaking, abridging,
and abrogation of the seven principles and forty-two laws of Ma’at and the forceful
or coercive taking of land, lives, treasure and resources from our ancestors.
We further declare that we are free to peacefully excercise our human
intuition, spirit and mind totally absent of and without malice of forethought,
violence or acts of physical or mental injury to any person or peoples. to
establish liberty, justice, prosperity and enlightenment for our people and the
entire human family.
We acknowledge that the term
“African-Centered” and its subsequent communities is a naturally occurring
African organism and cultural edifice comprised of families, institutions of
learning and worship, entrepreneurs and their businesses, arts, music,
spiritual phenomenon all steeped in the traditions of our ancestors, wrapped
within the disciplines of tolerance, love, compassion and empathy for all
members of the human family. We also declare the
following Articles and Rights:
Articles & Rights
Makala Moja: The Rite of Passage (Article I): The people shall
have the right to establish a “way forward” for the generations to come. The
rites of passage shall be peaceful, non-violent and bound in the customs,
teachings and laws of the people in their land and communities. The people acknowledge
that rites of passage indigenious to each community, village, family or tribe
shall not be circumvented, demeaned, or superceded by any government, party,
people, religious or corporate entity and that all peaceful and
non-discriminatory customs related to rites of passage shall be respected and
protected as a human right of the highest order. It is further acknowledged
that rites of passage involving multilation of body parts, beatings, physical
or mental torture or any other form of physical or mental abuse is an
abridgement of the fundamental human right to live free of physically or mental
Makala Mbili: The Right of Womanhood: We acknowledge
the truth that the female is the creatrist and bearer of all human life and
shall enjoy and be always afforded the absolute right to be honored, respected
and treated equitably and on the same level and accord as the male. It is
furthered acknowledged that the human family shall bear responsibility for the
nurturing, teaching and upliftment of the female child so that each may have
the opportunity and foundation necessary to grow and mature into a natural
woman and the great mother-goddesses of the human family.
Makala Tatu: Parental Obligation to All
Children: We acknowledge the
truth that a child born into the human family has an absolute human right to be
nurtured, cared for, educated, immersed in the culture of their family,
community nation state/country and be raised up by both parents; even in the
event of divorce, separation or in the case where the Mother and Father are not
together physically. The Father has the natural responsibility and absolute
obligation to support the development of his child and the child’s Mother respectively
to the best of his ability until the child becomes an adult. The Mother shall
provide (to the best of her ability) a nurturing environment for her child.
Makala Nne: Obligations of the Greater African-Centered Community: As stated in the Utangulizi, “we acknowledge that the
African-Centered Community is a naturally occurring African organism and
cultural edifice comprised of families, institutions of learning and worship,
entrepreneurs and their businesses, the arts, music and spiritual phenomenon
all steeped in the traditions of our ancestor’s experiences, wrapped within the
disciplines of tolerance, love, compassion and empathy for all members of the
human family.” As such the community’s
paramount responsibility is to do all possible to uplift “The All in All”
within the community and to foment, implement and maintain an infrastructure
that will create a platform for all positive endeavors for future generations.
The penultimate goal of the African-Centered Community is to create and to
generationally maintain an African-Centered, High Culture Civilization.
Makala Tano: Equality Equitable Opportunity: We acknowledge the
truth that every person born into the human family has the right to be treated
equally without regard for race, gender, ethnicity, handicap or for any other
reason whatsoever. Furthermore, every human has the right to choose their
“path” and to exhibit full control over their consciousness and to create
peace, joy and wealth for their family and community if what is created by
choice is not in conflict with the Afrikan Unaozingatia Ilani.
Makala Sita:Equitable Opportunity: We acknowledge
that every individual in the human family has the right to and shall have and
be offered equitability in all educational, spiritual, economic, cultural, personal
and community development endeavors they so choose to pursue. No human shall
have the right of equitability abridged or denied.
Afrikan-Centered Community (Kem-Unity)
Introduction: We acknowledge that an Afrikan-Centered community is
an organized and living entity that supports the positive social, economic,
educational and spiritual endeavors for all people that choose to live within
the community. The Afrikan-Centered community shall support and uphold freedom
of expression, freedom of choice, personal privacy and freedom to choose and
practice religion and spirituality as the individual is directed, led or
inspired by The Creator. Community rights are as follows:
Huduma Ya Afya (Health Care): Every person in the community shall have
unfettered access and the absolute right to utilize affordable health care
services. This includes traditional health care, homeopathic, indeginous
medicines and services, religious and spiritual healing ceremonies or any other
reasonable and customary health care medium.
Jumuiya Isiyo Sumu (Non-Toxic Community): The Afrikan-Centered
community shall have the right to exist toxic-free. Any substance; i.e.,
chemicals/non-renewable materials, petroleum products or any other subtance
that causes harm to humans, the environment (air, water, earth, spirit) shall
not be utilized in the community. Furthermore we encourage all Afrikan-Centered
communities to utilize renewable energy power production (UV Solar, Wind, Waste
to Energy/Fuel, etc.) where and when at all possible.
Kemikali Buri Kilimo (Chemical Free
Agriculture) All people that live within the Afrikan Centered Community
shall have the right to eat foods (vegetables, fruit, meat, grains, nuts,
ready-to-eat products, etc.) free of all manufactured chemicals and other
substances that are harmful to the mind, body and spirit and other substances
that do not naturally occur within the growth, manufacturing or cooking
Elimu (Education) The people that live within the Afrikan-Centered
Community shall have the right to seek and attain higher knowledge through
institutions of learning, crafts or trades. This right cannot and shall not be
curtailed, obfuscated or made
economically non-viable.
Sanaa (The Arts) The people that live
within the Afrikan-Centered Community shall have the right to express
themselves through the arts. This include dramatic, musical, written, verbal,
dance and other art forms as the artist desires without censor or persecution. .