Barrack Obama & the African American Cognoscenti
Cornel West and Tavis Smiley have three things in common. They are African American. They believe they have some relevancy in and influence on the Greater African American Community (they don't) and all of them are overt and consistent critics of President Barrack Obama. Their main complaint is that President Obama didn't do anything and/or enough for African Americans. They and their apologists also believe that anyone supporting President Obama does so because he is black and his supporters are just Land-o-Goshen-tickled pink, black, brown, beige, red and tan to have had an African American in the White House and aren’t sophisticated enough to see and agree with the complaints West and company offers to the greater African American community with their diatribes against President Obama. The arrogance of their position would be laughable if the stakes weren’t so high and Obama's accomplishments hadn't been so great. President Obama ended the war in Iraq...