African-Centered Economics Part 1 of 3: The Key To Cultural & Economic Prosperity
By Heru Ammen Black Conservatism is defined, fomented and implemented by right wing, white Republicans. The talking points for Black conservatives is point for point, idea for idea, measure for measure the same as the talking points one would hear from hate speech divas on the right such as Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity or Beck. It appears to this writer that traditional black conservatives are primarily motivated by a need to find favor with and derive income from their conservative white counterparts. By parroting the right-wing mantra of white-conservative Christianism and economics, the black conservative has become the tool of the right wing machine and a foolish and willing pawn in the game of racial politics perpetuated upon the greater African American community by the right wing conservative movement. Things are no better for our left leaning brothers and sisters. Black liberals fail to effectively address the issues that have plagued our poorer communities for decades....